O Sovereign Majesty, I firmly believe Thou art one God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, who created all things out of nothing.
I believe that Thy second person, who is Thy Son, was made man, and was born of the blessed Virgin Mary, by the operation of the Holy Ghost : that He died for me : that He rose again : that He ascended into Heaven and that He is to judge the world : I believe in the seven Sacraments of the holy Catholic Church, Catholic and Roman.
Finally, I believe everything
At the Offertory
Eternal Father, united with Thy holy love, and in memory of this divine Sacrifice offered to Thee on the wood of the Cross by my Saviour Jesus Christ, represented by this (Host), I offer the whole of myself, all my thoughts, words and deeds, imploring Thine infinite goodness to arrange them all to Thine honour and glory. Amen.
At the Sursum corda
Lord, how desirable are Thy Tabernacles! My soul wishes to be united with Thee more ardently than the thirsty hart pants after refreshing waters.[1]
Draw me after Thee, O my All, and I shall run after the fragrance of Thy perfumes : for without Thee, I can aspire to nothing, in Heaven or on Earth!
O that the love of Thine eternal blessings might live forever engraved in my soul, I would pay no more heed to the perishable things of this world!
O my God, when shall I go to see Thee clearly in Thy glory! When shall I have that happiness of prostrating myself before Thee visibly?
At the Sanctus
O Holy of Holies, grant me to know what Thou art and Thy eternal being, so that my soul, illuminated by Thy light, may praise Thee, glorify Thee and bless Thee in Thine eternity.
[1] As the hart panteth after the fountains of water; so my soul panteth after thee, O God. Quemadmodum desiderat cervus ad fontes aquarum, ita desiderat anima mea ad te, Deus. [Psalm XLI 2]